
What are your Brazilian Portuguese Vocabulary goals?

Learn new Brazilian Portuguese words per day.

Start today, and have a vocabulary of 500 in 100 days (April 1, 2025).

The ultimate Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary trainer

  • Screenshot of quiz screen

    Most relevant words taught first

    Based on statistical data, we teach you the most frequently used words in Brazilian Portuguese.

    No censorship, meaning plenty of rude and slang words included.

  • Screenshot of the "My vocabulary" page

    5000+ words with audio and sentence examples

    Each word comes with a native speaker audio recording and a sentence example.

    Over time, you will recognize more and more words, both written and spoken.

  • Screenshot of quiz screen

    Learning Schedule optimized by Cognitive Science

    Daily emails every morning summarizing your goals and reminding you to practice.

    Spaced Repetition learning principles decides the words to practice.